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We did it!

Revised 2022 CC&Rs recorded in Reno

Click here for the official HOA announcement from IPM

A difficult challenge

When our former law firm presented the initial draft of the revised CC&Rs last year, it recommended we change the future requirement for passage from the existing supermajority (27 units) to a simple majority (21 units).

The reasoning: It’s extremely difficult to get a 2/3 vote in a homeowners association because– the theory goes– typical owners are indifferent and/or too lazy to vote. But we insisted on retaining the supermajority requirement specifically because it is so difficult.


To win approval for our new CC&Rs, we needed to engage the entire community (by the way, sorry about all the emails, texts and phone calls!) One board member drove 60 miles to hand deliver a paper ballot to an owner who had struggled with online voting.

We made corrections, additions and deletions to the draft provided to us to finally arrive at a document we believed most owners would support.

Remarkable turnout

In spite of a voting period lasting just two weeks, 33 of our 40 owners cast ballots. That’s an astonishing 83% voter turnout!

The CC&Rs received 27 “yes” votes, the bare minimum for passage. So, yes– a supermajority is extremely difficult, but obviously not impossible.

The recorded document

The 2022 amended and restated CC&Rs have already been accepted by the Washoe County Recorder and as of today become a permanent part of your Unit’s chain of title– offering you and future owners a document we believe balances the best interests of the community with those of the individual owners.

Here’s a link to the newly-recorded 2022 CC&Rs

Thank you!