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The sun is out– we’re digging out!

IPM is taking advantage of a break in the weather today to clear access to all 40 units at Incline Pines. Mark Etcheberry, our snowplow contractor, has cleared the parking spaces and will make more passes today to widen the road.

Darin Vicknair (Unit 7) shared these photos to show us why snow removal has been such a challenge this week.

Darin’s car buried by snow
Ashley (Unit 7) declares victory!

Janet at IPM says her crews are out clearing walkways and should be done by the end of today.

Diamond Peak reports 10 feet of new snow from the recent storms and nearly 18 feet for the season! Interstate 80 is open again (with chain controls/4WD) and the weather is gorgeous!

Incline Pines Thursday Dec. 30, 2021 9 am

We hope you enjoy the holiday weekend and our bountiful snowpack. More is on the way next week!

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