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Letter from IPM about snow removal

Dear Owner,

This letter is for all HOAs managed by IPM regardless if IPM conducts your HOA’s snow removal or not. 

The significant winter storms in our region continue to impact snow removal and maintenance services throughout the region; this is not an average winter storm cycle. With these consistent and severe storms, our crews are doing their best to accommodate all of our clients. We thank you for your understanding and patience as they continue to work tirelessly to provide the community with this vital service. During heavy storms, the first priority is to make roads and walkways passable. The next day or two more detailing occurs. Please be prepared for continuous snow removal services and review the reminders below to ensure that the community can be cleared properly.  If you see your plow driver or shoveler, please give them a high-five or a wave for their efforts. 

Maintenance service calls are delayed due to the impacts of the storm as snow removal efforts use all of our grounds and building maintenance resources.  

It is also important to note that Washoe County has its hands full clearing major roadways and residential streets. You may have read the recent Reno Gazette Journal article regarding staffing shortages. When there are county snow clearing delays, it often hinders access to and from your community.  

We ask that you share this information with your renters, family members, guests and service providers and we thank you for your cooperation. 

  1. Roadways, driveways, parking spaces and walkways will continue to be cleared to complete the snow removal services for the week ahead.  Plowing and clean-up efforts will continue during and after a storm cycle to maintain the community. It may take days for full community clean up after a storm.
  2. Please be sure to not park on the roadways. 
  3. Overflow Parking Areas: Vehicles are not permitted to be left unattended or stored in guest parking and must be moved to allow clearing of the parking spaces. Leaving vehicles unattended in parking areas hinders snow removal efforts can cause limited access to clear parking spaces. Vehicles must be cleaned off and cannot be left buried under the snow during a storm cycle.
  4. For gated communities, gates will remain open during and after a storm cycle. 
  5. Please report any concerns to our office. 
  6. If your community’s policy is to only clear residents on property during the first day of storms, and you are planning a trip to your property, please contact our office so we can notify the maintenance staff and add your unit to the list for snow clearing.  

If you are planning travel, please check road conditions and chain requirements by dialing 800-427-7623 or in California. For Nevada, call 877-687-6237 or

Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions, stay safe and share this information as needed.