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Incline Pines HOA 2023-2024 approved budget

Dear Incline Pines Homeowner,

This letter comes to you on behalf of the Board of Directors of our Incline Pines Homeowners Association. Included with this letter, for your records, is the proposed 2023/2024 Budget. The Board of Directors reviewed and approved the Budget at the last Board Meeting.

In accordance with Chapter 116 of the Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS 116), Owner ratification of the Annual Budget is required after Board approval.

This letter serves as notice that the Budget Ratification Meeting will be held via video conference on June 8, at 5 PM, see below.

Janet Krautstrunk is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Incline Pines HOA
Time:5 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 738 276 0846
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At this meeting, unless at least a majority of all units’ Owners reject the budget, the budget is ratified, whether a quorum is present. (NRS 116.310 3).

As you can see from the Proposed Annual Budget provided by our management company, IPM, the Board is proposing effective July 1, 2023:

Monthly assessment amount $750.

Each line item of the budget was carefully considered, as well as the monthly assessment amounts for neighboring complexes. The Board believes that this budget is appropriate with respect to Incline Pines HOA requirements as well as the Common Interest Community standards in Incline Village.

The objective of this budget is to maintain the integrity of the Association as well as to protect each Owner’s investment.

As always, if you have any questions or if I may be of assistance, please call me at (775) 298-7956.

Respectfully yours,
Incline Property Management, as Agent for
Incline Pines Homeowners Association

Janet Krautstrunk
Supervising Community Association Manager