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Incline Pines community improvements update

With the arrival of fall and the coming of winter, the Incline Pines Homeowners Association is working hard on several community projects before we’re shut down for the winter.

Incline Pines old entry signs

The old signs that have greeted Incline Pines visitors for decades have been replaced with a single stack of reflective aluminum signs.

Incline Pines old entry signs
Incline Pines new entry signs and camera

The HOA is also gradually replacing the wooden posts at the community entrance with 42″ heavy steel bollards anchored in concrete columns. The worst of the existing posts (which can’t even stand on their own) will be replaced first with the rest coming as time and money allows.

The “safety yellow” posts will be repainted to match the existing color scheme, as was done with the four new steel bollards at Unit 30.

42″ square bollards and concrete anchors
Steel bollards painted brown
Incline Pines new entry signs and bollards

The HOA has also added a second security camera mounted above the entry signs to keep track of vehicles and people entering the community.

New camera at the Incline Pines entrance

Meantime, the community’s first camera– mounted near the dumpsters last year– continues to document unauthorized users.

Finally, the HOA is wrapping up a project to stabilize the precarious parking pad at Unit 22. The failing retaining wall and wooden posts have been replaced by buried steel beams and steel bollards mounted on concrete footings. Many thanks to Mark Burton, Unit 17, for supervising the repair.

Unit 22 parking pad before
Unit 22 parking pad before
Unit 22 parking pad before
Unit 22 parking pad repair
Unit 22 parking pad repair

While the HOA tackles the nagging deferred-maintenance issues, the Board continues to lean on painting and roofing contractors who work on their own schedules. At the very least, the HOA is insisting on several roof patches to get our owners through the winter season.