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Cold winter storm turns warm and wet

The National Weather Service issued a Winter Storm Warning for the Lake Tahoe early this week, expecting snowfall totals of up to two feet at 7,000′ elevation (Incline Pines) and advising against travel.

The snow arrived Monday overnight and the amount triggered the first job for our snow removal contractor, Capstone, in just over a month. It had been a pretty dry January.

Incline Pines entrance Feb. 4, 2025

The main road through the community was cleared within a half hour, and then Capstone moved to individual parking areas.

Snow removal operations ended just after 1 pm– right about the time the weather started warming, peaking in the mid-forties after sundown. Although the road was wet at sundown, overnight temps could lead to dangerous ice by morning. The winter storm warning expires at 4 am Wednesday.

A snowy road in the morning; a wet road by nightfall

Diamond Peak didn’t receive the two feet of new snow it was hoping for; the storm total will likely be a meager four inches.

Another storm system is expected to arrive Thursday, but this one only warrants a Winter Storm Watch.

Finally, a reminder that the Incline Pines HOA has set up a text alert system for homeowners and their guests regarding snow removal operations. The HOA encourages anyone who spends time at Incline in the winter to sign up.