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Incline Pines HOA

Winter? in Incline Pines

After a snowy start to winter, the weather has definitely turned spring-ish. The high temp today was 54° with another week of (mostly) sunshine forecast with a chance of light snow on Monday. Check out the view today from above Fairview Blvd.

2022 draft CC&Rs homeowner comments

Please take a moment to share your thoughts and suggestions on the latest draft CC&Rs. The HOA Board would like to present a formal version of the document for a members’ vote in mid-February. 2022 draft CC&Rs highlights 2022 draft CC&Rs complete document

Whiteout conditions

Winter storm warning continues, I-80 shut down The National Weather Service has extended the latest winter storm warning for the Tahoe area through Tuesday morning with an additional snow accumulation of 2-3 feet above 7,000′. As of Sunday morning, whiteout conditions shut down 70 miles… Read More »Whiteout conditions

A man and his snowplow

Incline Pines’ snow removal contractor, Mark Etcheberry, knows every obstacle and hazard along our half-mile-long private roadway. Beginning before dawn following a recent storm, it required five passes with Mark’s snowplow to open the road to traffic.