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Incline Pines HOA

Dumpster Cam Debut

In an effort to control the skyrocketing cost of waste removal at Incline Pines, the HOA is experimenting with a “dumpster cam” to prevent abuse. So far the camera has paid off in other ways. Illegal and improper dumping has long plagued Incline Pines and… Read More »Dumpster Cam Debut

Dumpsters, dead trees and sink holes: Incline Pines annual members’ meeting summary

INCLINE VILLAGE, NV – Facing mounting trash removal costs, the Incline Pines HOA Board of Directors on Saturday announced several steps it is taking to try to control costs. “Our waste removal bill is 50 percent higher than last year,” said an exasperated Board treasurer… Read More »Dumpsters, dead trees and sink holes: Incline Pines annual members’ meeting summary