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A chainsaw and breaker bar: Clearing the ice at Incline Pines

Our community’s snow removal contractor does much more than drive a plow.

Before the first snowfall of the season, Mark Etcheberry clears brush along our private road that might interfere with his equipment.

Then from late October well into spring, Mark’s on call 24/7 to plow our road and parking spaces following any significant storm.

The design of our roofs presents a special challenge with ice accumulation– in some cases blocking emergency access to fire hydrants.

Mark provided this video showing what it can take to clear the ice:

Clearing ice with a chainsaw and breaker bar

3 thoughts on “A chainsaw and breaker bar: Clearing the ice at Incline Pines”

  1. Leave Mark alone. He’s the best and knows what to do!! Let him do his “thing”.Rebecca #33

  2. To all,
    Just sharing an email I sent to Mark.
    I have just started watching your videos. They are incredibly helpful. I’d like to have George Warren post these on our website. It shows there is more to the snow removal process, than just sitting in a plow truck.

    The care and attention you are giving our community truly adds to our safety and always highlights the necessity of knowing our property. It is key to have sewers, water valves, fire hydrants clearly marked and cleared not only in the winter months, but all year round. You don’t have time as a rescue agency to look for where the nearest hydrant is located, which should be flagged, then try and dig the hydrant clear. This is the attention to detail, that assists when critical events happen.

    The other obvious key issue is for emergency vehicles to be able to get on property. We certainly have narrow turns and if not cleared well would impede response time.

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